Installing self-service ticket machines in movie theaters' lobbies will give moviegoers the option to buy tickets at a self-service ticket machine rather than at a ticket window, using touchscreen-based prompts to guide them through the ordering and payment process and print tickets instantly. Self-service wholesale ticket kiosk machines also allow customers to book and pay for tickets online, and then print them out when they arrive at the cinema, reducing queues for tickets.
Coordinating food preparation in the franchise is a daunting task for theaters, even with several employees behind the counter at any one critical moment. Things get more complicated when hot dogs, chicken, pizza, and popular items like popcorn, candy and beverages join the franchise menu. However, self-service ticket machines simplify concession services. With self-service ticket machines, customers can place and receive orders faster than waiting in line at concession stands. All movie-goers need to enter their orders on the touch screens of the self service terminal and then go to the concession stand to receive their orders. The faster the order, the faster guests can take away and enjoy. Using self-service ticket machines to accept orders at concession stands also eliminates errors that can occur when employees misunderstand or mishear customer instructions (for example, no ice in drinks or butter in popcorn), thereby making the coordination of franchises easier. The order delivery process is more streamlined due to fewer errors caused by entering orders yourself.
Labor is one of the larger expenses for hoteliers, and movie theater owners are no exception. Relatively speaking, the cinema self service kiosk is more affordable, and you can cut your labor expenses by replacing a few employees with one or two self-service ticket machines. This can reduce the number of workers needed for a shift, or allow you to reallocate them to other areas that require more labor.